Sunday, March 02, 2008

Ministry of Pastoral Care

Good Shepherd Idea in the Bible

Shepherd : - A well known figure. The work of the shepherd in guiding, leading and protecting the flock was essential if the animals were to be productive and valuable to their owner.

The idea of a caring shepherd is given in NT and in OT.

1, In the OT. : This idea was used in three chief ways to describe the relation between God and people of Israel.

(a) He is our God… Ps. 95:6,7

He will feed His flock like a shepherd (Is. 40:11).
I will seek out my sheep and rescue them…. (Ezekel. 34: 11-15).
The Lord is my shepherd … (Ps.23:1).

(b) To describe the work of the religious political leaders in Israel.

God has saved and protected the Israelites and on the way to the Promised Land, he made his will clear in commandments He gave to Moses. The people needed continued instruction and care from human shepherds, the priests, the prophets etc.. God continued to guide and strengthen these wise elders. (Prov.2:6-8).

But not all these leaders led the people in right ways. There were false prophets and worthless shepherds among them, wise in their own conceit. (Ezra. 13:3, 34:1-10,
Jer. 23:1).
c) God’s people were defeated and oppressed because of no good leaders. Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah used the good shepherd idea in yet another way. Believing that God would never wholly forsake His people they looked forward to the True Shepherd, the Righteous Branch (Jer.23:5) to feed his flocks (Is.40:11) (Mich. 5:2-4)

2) In NT the idea of shepherd is used in two ways:
(a) Jesus used it for Himself (Jn. 10:1-16) The book of Hebrew also referred to Jesus as a great Shepherd (Heb.13:20)
(b) As in OT the idea used to describe human leaders. The risen Jesus Himself commanded Peter to feed my lamb…. tend my sheep… (Jn. 21:15-17)
Paul says to the elders of the church at Ephesus “Take heed……. to yourselves……….. to the flock….” (Acts. 20:28).
Peter exhorted the leaders of the church in Asia minor to tend the congregation in their charge willingly … eagerly…being examples to the flock (1Pet.5:2,3).

1. He guides his flock to good pastures and safe resting places (Ezekiel 34:14).
2. He feeds the sheep and provides for all their needs, seeing that they have water to drink etc..
3. He guards his flock and protects it from wild animals or thieves, or other dangers, even when this involves danger to himself (see 1Sam 17:34).
4. He searches for any sheep that strays or gets lost, until he finds it, (Matt.18:12-13).
5. He knows and names each sheep individually, so that they too know his voice and follow when he calls. (Jn.10:1-4).
6. He carefully tends any sheep that is sick or weak and takes special care…
Thus shepherd must take deep personal interest in the welfare of the flock. It calls the strength and courage, patience and self-sacrifice to put welfare of the flock before his own comfort; means losing sleep, facing personal danger or even death.
The leaders of the early church were modeled in this pattern:- It includes feeding the flock protecting them against false teaching, caring for the needy and distressed, encouraging those who had become half-hearted in their faith, keeping order and discipline, giving guidance and spiritual direction (See Jn. 21:15-17, Acts 20:28-31, 1 Thess. 5:2-15, 2 Tim 4:1-5).

All these activities are summed up in the idea of tending the flocks of God ( 1 Pet.5:2).


In both the OT and NT we find accusations against shepherds who oppressed and exploited the people or led them astray in false teaching instead of doing their work properly.

In Israel shepherds had certain privileges. In return of their work, they were allowed a share of the milk and wool ( 1 Cori.9:7) But some shepherds were eager to take these privileges, while refusing to accept their responsibilities (Ezak.34:2,3). This led to injustice, oppression and suffering.

Due to this, Ezekiel saw the people were weak, sick, injured, misled and lost.

Ezekiel gave a warning to these kind of leaders and prophets that God Himself would ‘put a stop to’ (Ezek. 34: 4,5,10).

Again Jeremiah says, “Woe to the shepherds” (Jer.23:1)

In NT Peter warned leaders (1 Pet.5:2,3), Paul warned : 2 Cori.11:13, False brethren (Gal.2;4), or dog, evil workers (Phil.3:2, Col.2:8).

So it is dangerous to be a wrong leader. Let us be a true ‘good shepherd’ as per the pattern set by Jesus Himself.


The life and ministry of Jesus is the pattern for individual Christian, church as a whole and life of the leaders in the church
Jesus is not only a bringer and carrier of the massage He Himself was the message, by His living character, by compassion, to be close to the people in their needs. He set a pattern.
Paul says Christians are the letter of Christ to reveal to the world this pattern (2 Cori3:1-3)
As Lord and Master: - Jesus was also a Servant He lived to serve, not to be served (Mark. 10:45).
He can be truly described as the Servant Shepherd. (Luk.22:25-27, Jn.13:13-16).
He told that his followers are called to be servants (Mark 10:42-44) Servants of Christ Himself ( 1 Cori.4:1) Servants of God ( 1 Cori.3: 5) and servants of people (2Cori.4:5).

The highest meaning of life is to be found in service of this sort.
He showed it in two ways
1. By incarnation
2. By His attitude.

Being one with People:-

Jesus truly become human, He took the nature of a Servant. He was humble, and walked the path of obedience to death. (Phil. 2:7). He was sensitive to the burdens and needs of the people. He came and lived among men and women (Jn.1:14)
As a man he felt temptation (Heb. 2:18)
He experienced joy and sorrow, hunger, pain, anger, tiredness and disappointment (Jn.2:1-11, 11:33-36)
He enjoyed the company of His disciples and friends, knowing the weakness and sin of the people did not completely draw Him from them. He knew that love and goodness would conquer sin and death. He has been called ‘the man for others’ who lived and died so that others might live in freedom and joy. The pattern of ministry set by Jesus is a ministry of incarnation of becoming one with men, a ministry of identification and involvement.


It is impossible for us to understand fully the character, life and ministry of Jesus.
He remains a mystery.
He was a master of human relationships. His attitudes towards people gives a deeper meaning to the work of a servant shepherd and provide a model for the ministry of pastoral care today and at all times.
1. Jesus showed a deep concern:-
Jesus was concerned with obedience to God’s will and with every thing that affects people’s lives. His mission was to set free men and women from slavery.
What is important is the attitude of loving obedience to God’s will and loving concern for other people which alone can enable men and women to live in His way (Act. 14:38,39)
2. Jesus’ felt a deep compassion for all people:- especially those who were harassed and helpless (Matt.9:35,36)
Compassion: feeling great pity for those in need (Matt.15:32; Mark 1:40-42).

3. Jesus compassion was blended with authority
Jesus spoke to the people in need with authority (Matt.7:28,29)
He criticized and corrected people with compassion.
4. Jesus accepted people as they were
To accept: to recognize:
Jesus did not approve of wrong behavior but never condemned people and did not disconnected His relation with them
He helped the women caught in the sin of adultery, at the same time warned her: “Sin no more” (Jn.8:1-11)
Jesus was the friend of all classes, out casts and sinners, (Luk.15:1,2) rich and powerful.
So He helped many-the prostitute (Lk 7:36-50), the despised tax collector (Lk.19:1-10) etc. He saw value in every person. To help people, He broke through all barriers of race, sex and social class.
5, Jesus was impartial:-
He did not favor any particular person or group (Matt.8:10-14)
6.Jesus made Himself available to the people in need.
He found time to help the needy
7.Jesus gave great importance to helping and counseling individuals:-
Even though large crowds gathered wherever he preached, he liked to solve the problem of an individual. His parables were about individuals. Jesus showed that each person is so important to God that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repented than over ninety-nine righteous. (Lk.15:3-7)
8. Jesus used different methods in helping different sorts of people
He used the method of dialogue or personal conversation asking questions to find out their basic problems. eg: (a) rich man, (b) a lawyer (Lk.10:25, 26)
People usually hear, but do not listen carefully enough to understand (Mark 7:14).
9. Jesus was quick to offer encouragement and praise.
Especially when he discovered hidden spiritual qualities in people like the centurion’s unquestioning trust and obedience (Matt.8:5-13).
Humble faith of Syro-phoenician woman (Matt. 15:21-28).
10. Healing of the body and healing of the soul have connection. He healed people in order to make them whole in body, mind and spirit.
William Booth’s Soap, Soup and Salvation idea.
A theologian Gerhard Kittel wrote: He was not scribe and not rabbi; not teacher or master of wisdom; what men discovered in Him was exactly this: the healer of souls.

In this chapter we have seen the example of pattern of care Jesus had in His ministry.
As the Servant Shepherd Jesus is the model whom all Christians involved in the work of caring for others must try to follow. As Paul said, “Have this mind among you, which is yours in Christ Jesus…… taking the form of a servant” (Phil.2:5-7).
The pattern that Christ set is not just a vague ideal. Through the work of the Holy Spirit it can become a reality in the lives of His followers who commit themselves to His service and the service of others in the world today.

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