Thursday, October 04, 2007

Standing Tall

Growth - this word is much bandied about these days, especially in the Indian media. India’s economic growth is a pet topic of the media. Laying down a set of averages, economists, journalists, sociologists, politicians, international observers etc try to establish that India is already a global economic force to reckon with. But there are detractors who say that this is only a tall claim and these sound bites should be dismissed as unsubstantial. Their stance is that globalization has not percolated to all classes of the society. The slow pace of poverty alleviation, the crisis in the agriculture sector, the short comings of public health systems, the below par performance in the human development index and many other factors are cited by them to counter those who wax eloquent about India’s phenomenal growth rate deficiencies.

Now some references to spiritual growth. Modern day believers have a proclivity to confuse growth with quantity. Often the emphasis on quality is mere rhetoric. People tend to pride in swelling numbers. Of course, it is desirable that all the inhabitants of the earth should turn to God and walk in His ways. But the practice of allowing immoral and unrighteous people to become the members of church because of number pressure is highly deplorable. Unfortunately the criterion of blessing in a congregation is the turn out. Preachers too clamor for large crowds.

Spiritual growth should not be confined to external factors and displays. The present trend is that certain demonstrations determine the spiritual growth of an individual or church. Yes, when the inward man is renewed day by day (growing up) there will be outward signs. But these signs should be the fruit of the spirit. Joy, peace longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance together make up the fruit of the spirit. The Bible instructs that the church and the believer should grow up to Christ, who is the head of the church, in all things (Ephesians 4:16). Paul adds that a Christian should seek things that are above (Colossians 3:1).
There are some who grow up in an immature fashion trying to surpass the head. To attain the growth prescribed by the word, proper intakes of balanced diet are necessary. The word of God contains all nutritional constituents needed for growth. One who grows up consuming them can stand upright in the midst of all immoralities. Spiritual growth should be used to guide the society in the right direction. If we look around us, we can find a host of spiritual teachers who address people through different media- congregations, crusades, TV and radio broadcasts, audio-video tapes etc. But many among them send out wrong signals. Given the present back drop- a world with a multitude of complexities-, returning to the basics is the need of the hour. Our spiritual maturity should convince the world that Christ is the answer to every problem.
Spiritually grown up Christians should use their optimal potentiality. They should not be contended being ‘also-rans’. They should try to rise beyond the stereotype and impact the society through strong biblical values. Such an exemplary witnessing calls for a disciplined Christian life. Let us commit ourselves to lead our lives in such a manner that we can be of immense service to both God and men.

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